A review of Wumpini by Don Sigli (Album review)

I am definitely not alone in my type of favorite album. Wumpini (God’s gift) by Don Sigli did magic to his 2016 album as he sold over five thousand tickets to perform for the first time after the release of the album in Tamale. A feat hardly achieved by anyone in the history of music in the northern region. A medium-paced, foot tapping high life song with rich lyrics that arrest the attention of any first-time listener to the very last note. And can easily get you on a binge once you have been introduced to it.

Behind the catchy sweet, smooth melody, the song is laced with advisory, expository, cautionary, and challenging messages all at once. In one breath, it addresses the social problem, and indeed a rather novel trend of the youth indulging in all sorts of social vices to enrich themselves overnight. With little regard for the impact it has on society. And in another, it narrates the struggle of hard-working people and the bitterness and anger they feel as if life does not bring the riches and glory they desire.

 One could get so many themes from this masterpiece but the dominant one is contentment. He carved in a wise saying that can be translated to mean ‘pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered’ to remind us of the distraction that lies ahead of avarice. It is not hard to imagine the artiste is channeling real people he knew and the life he might have had if he had not become a star. The album will leave you in no doubt about the extraordinary talent of the Boss.

Unlike many other good album-producing artists of the north, Sigli is still releasing stadium-filling new music and remains at the top of his game. It does not surprise me at all. This is a man who tells us our most fundamental stories about our society and when you listen to Wumpini, the message is as powerful as it is exciting to nod and tap your feet along the beat.


  1. I thought I was the only one who felt the good impact of Wunpini Album by our very own Don Sigli. An album which covers everything about our culture and also a good printed implication in life ✅ infact, it was a whole vibe.


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